Whether you're interested in lighttrails or startrails, skylines, neon lights, mixed color, lightpainting, sunrises, sunsets, or just wanting to check it out, this will cover the basic Do's and Don'ts, tips and tricks, as well as discussing camera settings, composition, lighting, shadows, editing and other factors of night/low-light photography.
The seminar will be held on May 31, 2014 at Outdoor Photo Gear and will begin at 1pm and end at 5pm. Following the class there will be a shoot-out/photowalk in the early evening.
Chas Andrews hails from Louisville, KY but has also spent time in Georgia, California, and Illinois. He has a B.A. in Cinema and Photography from SIU-C and has actively pursued photography ever since. Learning the ups and down of night photography, "Dark Side of the 'Ville" is his current 2-years-and-running project chronicling Louisville, KY at night from every corner of the county. He organizes the Louisville Digital Photography Group and is a Board Member of the Professional Photographers Association of Greater Louisville (PPAGL). For more information and work check out "Dark Side of the 'Ville" on Facebook or his website at: www.chasandrews.com.